Potato soup

DSCN0054.JPGWhile many improvised vegan dishes that we make go undocumented :), I randomly took photos of this soup I cooked yesterday. Actually my friend really liked it and she said I should post it here so that we can make it again sometime. So, this is a very simple soup, made with the few ingredients we had in the house on a Sunday afternoon when everything is closed.

The ingredients are: 4 chopped onions, 6 chopped garlic cloves, 4 very large carrots sliced, 1 large parsnip chopped, 6 diced potatoes, cooking oil, salt, 1 tablespoon curry powder and 1 teaspoon cumin.

I stir fried the onions, garlic, carrots and parsnip with salt, curry and cumin in some cooking oil. When the onion became transparent, I added the potatoes and water and let it boil till the potatoes were cooked. That’s it :). It’s the simplest soup, but the taste is interesting, quite sweet from the carrots and flavorful from the curry powder and cumin.



I have started stitching this using a big embroidery hook I have received as a gift recently. I plan on learning different embroidery stitches on this big canvas, but for now I just write a list of things our dogs love. It’s very relaxing to stitch these funny, happy thoughts in the anxious evenings when I’m too tired for anything else.



I started this embroidery at my favorite class in the M.A. program I joined this fall. I used for the first time a needle felting machine and I was really excited to use a new technique for my embroideries. I did an outline of the self portrait, I felted the lighted parts and then I stitched the above the felting and the shadow parts. I didn’t want to use wool and I wasn’t sure if artificial fibers will work, but they did, and I’m glad I can still use this technique even if I try to avoid using animal products. It was really relaxing to do this and I like the result. It’s not perfectly similar to me physically but I do recognize myself in its atmosphere. img_5917img_5920img_5911img_5907