Pinhole photos of this summer

I have finally found the time to scan these pinhole photos. I didn’t make so many of them this summer, but I am content with some of these images. There are times of change for me (my school moves to a new location) and my time seems so limited. But more than my limited time, my mental space seems crowded with all sorts of thoughts and worries. But I am hopeful, too, that change is a good thing this time.


Peach jam

This is not a recipe, I only wanted to document 🙂 our first use of a huge cast iron pot we have bought this summer. Our friend gave us fall peaches from her garden, tiny, flavorful peaches that we used to make a jam. We put also a few pears in the jam. It turned out really good. We have plans to make also some other preserve in this pot this autumn (maybe some different jam or some tomato juice), but we will see if we can include this in our really busy days.





My favorite part of the year begins. The days when I remember so clearly how it felt to be in third grade. Regretting the end of the long and carefree days, of sleeping in and having no plans, but also anxiously waiting for what the new school year has in store for me. Missing the feeling of being so safe at my desk, in my classroom, with all my friends, and looking forward to be there again. It’s just for a few days, at the beginning of September, when this mirror into the past opens for me and there I am, thirty years ago, waiting for the new school year to start.