
My friend Aniko sent me in a letter this beautiful old button. I put it on a chain and I never took it off since I received it.

I really like this time of the year, when tomorrow everything starts anew. I want in 2018 to continue to nurture and grow my friendships and try to hope more and worry less.

Happy New Year!


Vegan homemade sushi rolls

IMG_9109.JPGI was so busy these last few weeks and it seems that all I did was go to school and than wait for the evening to come so that I can go to sleep. Not all the time, I also met friends several times this month and I did embroider and draw a little, but still I had low energy levels in general. But I hope in December I will have more energy to do fun things, too. We had a national holiday and days off from work and we finally tried making sushi rolls, something I wanted to do in a long time. We used rice mixed with apple vinegar with sugar and salt, avocado, carrots, peas and fried shiitake mushrooms.  They came out a bit wonky, as we needed some practice for the rolling part, but they tasted absolutely great! And of course, we had the rolls with soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.
