
My school finally moved to its new location. The kids showed such a contagious excitement! It was built in the seventies, especially to be a school, with large hallways and lots of light. A huge courtyard full of pine trees.

I saw these prints in one of the hallways. A dog has wandered in on the wet cement, sometimes when this school was built. You can tell it was a big dog. I ran my fingers on the marks of the paws of this dog from the past, thinking about him or her, feeling such sadness and such love for all of his/ her species, for all animals…

My birthday gifts

IMG_9072.JPGMy birthday was almost three weeks ago, but these days seems very difficult to do things just for fun, so I kept postponing taking photos of all my gifts this year. But I really wanted to have a post about my birthday haul, because I enjoy looking back at these sort of things and I always like reading about other people’s gifts, too. So, finally I post about my gifts, even if most of the photos are blurry phone pictures.

For one year already, I have a closet for my art and embroidery supplies and other such things where I had only one shelf. The rest of the closet was one huge pile of stuff, of boxes built on top of each other. I was ok with it for a while, but lately it was driving me crazy. When I needed something in a box below, I had to take out the whole pile of things and then put everything back. So, one of my birthday gifts this year was shelves for my closet. I don’t have a before photo, but this is how my closet looks like now (even with the shelves it looks kind of cluttered, but now I know where everything is and I have easy access to all my things.)


And here it is my friend Maria installing the shelves for me.

She also gave me a nice, vegan and organic hand cream (that I didn’t take a photo of) and this great black Dala horse for my collection!


And tiny succulents. 🙂


The fluorescent nail polish is from Oana, who also gave me this bunny watch that I am wearing these days.


Rodica made me this beautiful pencil wrap, were I keep my Policromos pencils. Souris likes it, too.


I also got a lot of clothes this year (from Rodica and Alina).

Oti gave me this nice notebook, with drawings of flowers inside.


I kept watching online this Edwardian bangle for a few year now. It is hallmarked for 1911 and it’s really beautiful. I bought it with birthday money from my mother. I think it belonged to the same person as my other bangle from the same period (I bought it from the same seller).


And finally, my uncle bought me these very expensive watercolors. I already started using them a bit, but I hope to find time in the second half if November to really paint with them. The colors are so beautiful and vibrant. The pocket brush was included and I was relieved to see the hairs are synthetic.


I was got chocolates from my friend at work, but those are long gone before taking a photo of them :).