The most improvised meal ever

…but turned out ok. At least the color is really fun. I used what I had in the fridge and cupboards, not too much stuff, but I was too lazy to go shop for groceries. So, this is rice cooked with soy sauce, onions, celery, red cabbage, canned jackfruit and some walnuts that were previously boiled. It’s filling, kind of healthy and my favorite color :).


2018 drawings

I didn’t use this space for such a long time, but in empty days like today it feels good to speak into the void of the internet.

2018 was a very mixed year for me, with an important professional achievement, with new and deepened friendships, but also, on a different level, with new nuances of worry and self-doubt.

But anyway, drawing almost every day in 2018, even if only a few lines, was one of the best things I have done for myself. Drawing without any plan, without any purpose, just putting onto page the images of the streets I walk by. I’ll definitely continue this in 2019.

Goals for this autumn

After a very busy, stressful and complicated summer (but a summer that turned out to be an important one, with a very good outcome), I plan to really enjoy this autumn. It’s my favorite season, when everything seems to start anew.

So, in order to get back to writing in this space that I neglected for so long, I thought to make a list of my plans for this fall.

-I started practicing calligraphy this summer. I’m not at all good at it, but I enjoy it a lot. It’s so interesting to observ what a different quality time has when you slow down motions that usually are fast and routine. It’s so meditative and calming to watch how your hand draws very slowly every letter.

-I plan on making a junk journal and also print out some everyday photos from my phone to put in it. I’m still collecting different papers for it.

-I want to take more walks in my neighborhood and in the city this fall and finish at least one roll of film, and also take some instax photos, too.

-I also want to practise sewing some more (maybe make a shirt or a dress).

-And, I also plan to post here again more regularly and to record snippets of my days and things I make.

Spider plant


BF349555-DB1A-4557-B763-21C0362C4C3E70823961-0941-4526-93AD-1C2C80F68654At the begging of spring, I noticed at some point a plant growing in the pot of one of my cacti. It grew next to the window, in a spot where I couldn’t notice it till it was already quite tall. I was thinking to pull it out, but somehow I didn’t feel like doing it. My friend told me it could be a spider plant. Meanwhile, it bloomed! It has pretty white flowers. I will have to find it a new pot ( I think the cactus is not very happy to share the pot), but I will do it after the flowers are gone.

I’m so stressed and busy these days, but the quiet, early evenings in my room, watering my plants, eating chocolate, just relaxing are so nice.



I have found this really funny yarn at the store and I couldn’t resist buying it. It has green and pink metallic thread and the white part is shimmery, too. I thought it could make an interesting basis for an embroidery. I knitted a rectangular piece out of the yarn and I embroidered this winter scene on it. It was quite difficult to work on it, my eyes were hurting quite badly because of concentrating on that glittery, shimmery fabric, but it was fun working on it, too.

It’s quite difficult to photograph, too, but I tried to capture the changing effects of the glitter in these photos.

Winter sunset


I have finally finished this embroidery I have started a while ago. I have knitted the canvas for it, from some pink and yellow ombre yarn and I have used cotton felting for some parts. It was quite easy and pleasant to embroider on this.

Here are some details and some in progress photos.

The atmosphere here is very similar to this embroidery these days.




Some mornings, on my way to school, the sky is full of crows. The forest is nearby. I love this view, it’s one of my favorite things.

These days are strange to me, with so much hope and so much doubt in them. Also with a strange connection to my nineteeen year old self, realising that some long forgotten aspects of my psychology stayed the same. I have been before in a similar situation, facing an important exam in which many things are up to me and in many aspects I just need to hope for the best. The outcome was good last time.

Meanwhile, I try not to get overwhelmed, rest and relax and prepare myself to think that my life is good and safe and full of love, no matter what.